Five Rainbow Trout Fishing Baits: The Catch of the Day!
Everybody loves a great day on the water fishing. Some days you don’t have to catch anything at all, and it’s all about the scenery, comradery and family. But some days, it really is all about the fishing. This list of five rainbow trout baits will certainly help to up your odds and bring more trout to the dinner table.
We’ve put together a list of our top five baits for catching rainbow trout, and with this selection of baits in your tackle box, you are sure to catch all of the rainbow trout that you would like. These are all very simple and proven baits to help you catch trout. So, let’s get started!
1. Berkley Power Bait
Looking for a reliable bait to land your next trout? Berkley Power Bait is the go-to choice among anglers. This dough fishing bait, packaged in convenient jars, can be dispatched with just a pinch – no need to fiddle around tying on complicated rigs! Whether you select Rainbow Glitter, Captain America or Chartreuse flavors, these colorful baits are proven winners and provide a surprisingly successful catch rate each time. So stock up now and get Troutin’ with Berkeley’s iconic range of dough baits!

My go to set up here is about a 6lb test main line with a 1/4oz sliding sinker tied to a swivel, 2lb leader with a length that is completely water clarity dependent, tied to a size 14 or 16 treble hook. This set up is perfect for Berkley Power Bait.
2. Night Crawlers
Looking for a surefire way to catch those pink fillets? Look no further than night crawlers! Not only are they readily available and easy to find, but these live bait worms can be sure to get the job done right. For even more success, use a worm inflator – this is my favorite method when it comes time for fishing with night crawlers!

What I will do for fishing inflated night crawlers is to use a sliding sinker set up. I’ll use 6- or 8-pound monofilament line from the reel down to my leader. I will place a small egg-shaped sliding singer on the line then tie on a swivel. Depending on water clarity, I will tie on a 18″ to 24″ leader line. This can be either monofilament or fluorocarbon line tied to a standard J style hook. The advantage of a sliding sinker is that when a trout bites the bait, they don’t feel the tension and weight of your actual weight on the bottom.
3. Rooster Tail Spinner Baits
One of the top producing casting baits for rainbow trout has to be the good ol’ Rooster Tail. The Yakima Bait Original Worden Rooster Tail is a bait that has been around for generations. In Fact if you go look in your parents or grand parents tackle box, there is a really good chance you will come across a Rooster Tail.
These baits are basic, very well priced coming in at under $3, and very easy to use. All you have to do on these is make your cast and retrieve.
The Original Worden Rooster Tail features a unique spinning action that creates a lot of flash and brings in big strikes. The long, tubular body is actually an inline weighted body design that keeps your bait running straight and parallel. The pulsating hackle tail gives the action of a fleeing bait fish which also drive trout mad!
My favorite colors include Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout and of course, Firetiger.

Check out the full range of the Yakima Bait Original Worden Rooster Tail here.
4. Acme Kastmasters
Arriving on the fishing scene as early as the 1950’s, the acme Kastmaster has been a tried and true trout bait for years. These simple baits don’t have a lot to them, but the action they produce drives in huge strikes from hungry trout.
You can cast these baits with a straight retrieve or troll them behind the boat. They are very simple to use and you really can’t go wrong however you fish them.

The most popular colors are the basic gold and silver colors. If I have two in my box, it will be one of each of those colors. The acme Kastmaster is available in a ton of sizes and color patterns, but I like to keep is simple and go with those two colors. They also come in hammered finishes, beautiful paintjobs and even holographic sticker patterns, but lets just keep it simple.
Tie these baits directly to your line, or use a swivel if you’d like. I like to fish 6lb monofilament line tied directly to my bait for the Kastmaster.
You can check out the full range of acme Kastmaster baits on their website HERE.
5. Rapala CD-3 Crankbaits
The last awesome trout bait that I want to talk about today is the Rapala Countdown lineup of baits. Actually the CD-3 to be exactly. This is a micro-crankbait that has served me well when fishing for delicious pink fillets.
The Rapala Coutdown baits have a wide variety of sizes and colors. Some of my favorites include Firetiger (my all time favorite), Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout. These three you will always find in my box.

Now what does Countdown mean? According to Tackle Warehouse, “Named for its dependable and consistent fall rate, the Rapala Count Down sinks at one-foot/per second, so anglers can cast, count, and then kick it into gear at precisely the desired depth. Lethal on all species, the Rapala Countdown is capable of temping bass, trout, walleye, perch, and just about anything else that swims in your local waters.”
These baits can be tied straight to your line or attached to a snap swivel. If you plan to troll these baits, which is incredibly effective, you might want to go with a swivel and about a 2 foot leader. The swivel will prevent any line twist. If you are straight casting, I’d suggest tying directly to your line. I like 6 lb test for this bait as well.
Whatever type of fishing bait you choose for your next rainbow trout adventure, these five will provide you with what you need for catching some delicious rainbow trout! With some patience and practive, we guarantee that soon enough there will be plenty of tasty meals headed your way. So grab your tackle box and get ready for some serious fishing fun!
Happy Fishing